On Thursday last week we held our annual school Marae Noho, we finished school Mrs Colebrook and Mrs Davidson and some of the parents too us all to the swimming pool for a swim, some of the other parents went over to the Marae and started preparing dinner, after we had our swim, we all walked over to the marae, set up our beds and then we played for a little bit,  while some of the seniors and parents set the tables for dinner.   Our dinner was delicious we had mashed potatoes, kumara, gravy, onions, sausages and mixed vegetables, then we had cupcakes and chocolate brownies, fruit and milk, when we had finished we all helped clean up and do dishes.  
After dinner we were all told go go inside the whare tupuna and sit on our beds, then Uncle Rob Cassidy came in and told us a story about some carvings that were put under the huge rock at the Marae, and how they came to be put under the rock.  

By Laurie

Waiariki talking about the Marae Noho

7 year old Maui talking about what he remembers about our Marae Noho!!


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